

we never stopped loving

His feet seldom walked beside mine, I always found them one step ahead of me
His eyes barely ever focused on my curvaceous frame, they seemed indifferent, lost in a different time frame
His hands often released our entwined hands, they were perenially engaged in life's busy terrain
We rarely saw eye to eye, and life chugged along, a big lie
We were together, yet I found myself miserably alone
If only I had known that..
His feet had miles to travel to undo life's wrongs and time wasn't on his side
His eyes were constantly resting kindly on every injured frame and never looked for fame
His hands were stretching to soothe world's pain and not for any lustful gain
He disliked seeing eye to eye for he often saw only an egoistic 'I'
He was not moving away from me but along with me and my aloneness was all illusory
If only I could have seen how we loved one another but differently
Mine was a love that choked him, his was a love that released me
If only I had not looked into the mirror of vanity and had instead espied love's truth, purity
Wouldn't our togetherness have been love's happy entity?
Our eyes locked lovingly as I saw his own shut themselves eternally
My heart has since caged him, freeing itself to rest with him
Life showed me the mirror of true love
Yes, we never stopped loving
We never have and we never will.