

The Theses
Am two or three Masters degrees
to explain the level of attack
I've been under.
Where you can
articulate, the attack
after attack, all that mental
the lies,
the manipulation
the slander

The level of attack has been emely excitation.
What if you had an enemy that spend all there time
talking about you! focusing all their energy
thinking hateful,
the thing about you. Better yet
Thinking more sinister deep dark deep thoughts
of destroying you, belittle you
shame you
the ultimate betray cheat

Image how in insane it has to be for a person
Too Sit along in a room all-day
repeating to there self,
or out loud
over and over again how much they hate you,
Want you to take them back,
, am kill you, you

ugly am get
you and
my favorite
Your dick Lil for hours! Running there your mind continuously continuously beating down your mental thoughts
suppressing your every thought

As soon the wake up
The best thing they going for them
is talking shit about you!
best part of the day think

Theing about you!
planting that seed of hate
to everyone and anybody's minds who wants to listen you the worst person on this planet!

when it's really dim

that cold-hearted bitter one-sided story
they holding over your head
weighting the size of the iceberg that souck the Titani

Painful is it?

Now image

Three root working witches
spending all of last days
casting hateful spells send negative energy
on one individual
The chosen One trying to prevent him for reaching his
destiny of being King planet Saxon
but God be the glory

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