

Vamp Camp
Chapter 1:{ Fantasy or Reality}

" The night is beautiful don't you think!" came a eerie voice out of the cold silent night. As I looked all around for the source of the voice but found none , but all I could see is the majestic full moon in all it's beauty.
Then I spotted a figure in the distance a female to be exact she wore a short Red French maid top that covered her busty chest , a short Black skirt with black heel shoes on her feet.
I began to rub my eyes ' is this a dream or sum joke I wonder!' as I stood frozen in awe at the sight before me as the female begins to enclose the distance between us.

She stood a few centre meter from me not too far but just enough for me to see her face , her smooth creamy light skin , her light amber eye looking right at me with a mixture of curiosity and mystery as she smiles showing me her white teeth and a beautiful lips cover in light red lip gloss.

" Good night sir, what a beautiful night we have the is perfect moon light to dance the night away!" she says with a light giggle as her amber colour eyes stared straight at me so intently as if if looking deep into my soul.

" Good night my lady , but you are quite exquisite to the eye if I must say so myself may I know your name if I'm to continue our chat!" I replied as the blonde hair woman just smirk then extended her right hand and says to me " Take my hand and let's go for a stroll and I shall answer all your question?" she smiled a cute smile at me as I took her hand and began follow this mesmerizing beauty to a place unknown.

" I'm Jessy Laforetine , 17 years old I like music , and reading books also I like tomato juice!" she exclaimed in a happy tone as we continued to walk.

" I'm Grey Burtly , 18 years old and I like Halloween party , music and supernatural book!" I replied in a cheerful tone.

"Supernatural Books as in vampires, werewolf, elf's and zombies?" she asked with a bit of curiosity lacing her sweet soft voice.

" Yeah , I think there cool mean Vampire are strong and can fly , the are really fast and the look really cool for a party!"I announced with a small smile.
Just then the beauty that was by my side as we walked together asked " Have you ever met any of those before?"with a seductively beautiful smile.

" No but I'm sure they exist!" I reassure the beauty but to my surprise she smile and pulled me closer and gave me a peck on the cheek.

" What's that for , why did you kiss me?" I asked a bit stunned at the beauties action.

" Why you asked are you still a virgin?" Jessy asked as she now began to tease me more over my stunned behavior.

'How can I escape this I tried to find an answer as I now began to sweat a lot!' I thought as the beauty cheerfully lead me to her house.

A Spanish looking building with various statues and flowers that decorated it's beautiful display all in all the house looked like a building of royalty.

" You have a pretty house , are you a noble or someone of esteem status!" Grey comments.

" Thank but I would like for you to join me at the Halloween party tonight!"she says with a hidden smirk across her wonderful lips.

" I don't have a costume as I'm in casual wear I didn't get to buy any!" I replied as she giggle and smile more .

" Silly boy , I like your company your are funny , cool , kind and a person who treats everyone the same." she says as she then grabs his face and whispers in the left ear "I'm a vampire! "

© @Ken.William