

Power unknown
The parcel that had arrived today, contained an old key and a list of instructions to use it.

In side the parcel was a diamond bracelet that I've only heard rumors about,
from my family.

The bracelet was worse than every weapon combined.

It was said to give its owner the ability to control minds.

I just can't wait to see that judge who gave my uncle a life jail sentence!

I won't arrive with tears or "pleases" this time.

I'll arrive with the devil himself and in flesh, in a form of this bracelet.

Not only will he let my uncle out of jail but he will also marry me.

Our taxes are too high and I need to do something about it.

This judge is tied to me in that regard because his powerful enough to change laws.

Freedom landed on my lap as I wore the bracelet.

A powerful family heirloom.

The instructions read:

This bracelet feeds off your life.

wear it for a day and you lose 30 days of your life.

I took it off so fast like it burnt me.

© Icepeach25