

The marriage
Once upon a time , there lived a princess named Rima who had lived with his parents in large and beautiful palace . One day she go to market and the houses of the people to see if anything is needed . Suddenly 8 dacoits have attacked in the village , everyone was running . The dacoits were trying to catch princess Rima but at this moment a beautiful prince named Rahul run to catch the dacoits . He catched them and told the soldiers to put them into jail. Princess Rima thanked Prince Rahul for saving her life . Next day , he again meet her . Two of them provide food and clothes to all the people , like this they meet everyday and there made a relation between them . Slowly there marriage was fixed . On the marriage day , Princess Rima came wearing turquiose beautiful sarees and golden jewellers . Then slowly their marriage was done . It's no that the marriage had happen suddenly. They lived happily ever after.

So everyone please have patience because God has made someone for you also and think that person will meet soon to you.