

FIFTH KEY Season 2 Ep:1
Robin and his friends were currently in thier schools and had almost forgotten about the old school's incident,But looks like fate had decided something else for them....
??:Looks like you are forgetting about your pasts!Well,I don't intend to just let you go after all this!
The mysterious person threw a cage with black liquid on Robin.....
Robin:You.....Carron save me!....
*In the abandoned school.*
??:Finally!I have you all alone..lying helplessly!Now those little-
??:Shut up!
Robin suddenly heard a little sound that seemed like a gasp.
?? removed Robin's tape from his mouth and told him to speak what he wanted.
???:Leave him alone!
(??is the kidnapper. ??? Is somebody else.remember that)
??:You really came here for him?
My heart is no longer hard for your actions it's too sweet I kidnapped him to just spend time with him.....*sob*..*sob*..*sob*
???:Do-Don't cry I knew you weren't that ba-
?? Grabbed ??? And cast some spells on ???
Before Robin could complete his sentce he felt he was being lifted up!
??:Oh no not again!
What's happening to Robin?Find out on the next chapter....
To be continued....
© Al-Sheikha Parveen