

The White Eyes (chapter 1)
So here I'm am sitting down at my desk with everyone looking at me. I was so confused of how i didn't die and what was that creature and then, I received an emai from a mystery email. It was along the lines of "hello levi I know what happened. I was watching that night, dont look around people are watching." How dose he know my name? I thought to myself, quickly thinking it was a prank from one of my coworkers. Anyway I kept reading on"i know what you thinking it a prank from one of your coworkers, no it not a prank. So my name is the game master (gm for short) there are plenty of me, and that creature is."
I was so confused why didn't he told me what was that creature. I just kept working. completely working on and then, when it was time to leave I saw my hands cycling between lava and water, nobody was around to see, so I panic and rushed out running super fast. It felt like I was almost running as fast as a car, Tesla to be specific. When I got home I slept on my comfy blue bed, it was nearly day. I was tired of work so I just went to sleep. I was single at the time. This night I had nightmares of me stuck inside the black portal getting killed by those glowing white eyes. I woke up by those nightmares that will hunt me Forever. then I went on a night jog. I was scared seeing white eyes all over the place floating some on the ground. I look over feeling like someone is watching me, then I saw it one of those creatures again. This one was walking on 4 legs, no dog it was human shape. I didn't know what to do, once he had gotten closer I ran, i remember looking behind me seeing alot of those other creatures with white eyes in fact some was covered in black slime, had long thongs, and most of them had no body and was just floating eyes or I didn't see there body. I just kept running and I think I was wanting to go in one of those portals again. All of a sudden it appeared so I ran and ran they followed me through it it wasn't long until a white eye appeared, I was surround and then i got teleported to a room. I think I remember a black portal opening and me going through it, I was in a room that I had never seen before. There was two computers, on the pc the date says 2035 21 November, so it was up to date, And there was an alarm. The pc I was talking about had a email(1) and a crime radar or whatever. The email was from the GM agian, it says "hello I've seen you have found the room I set up for you. These creatures are called white eyes, you might be half white eye, don't panic. There is medical stims I gave you in the drawer.
They where targeting you cause." It end again he didn't told me, I was freaking out at that moment.

to be continue...
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