

The School Day Part - 7
It was clear, I had to lead the army. I was black, so Tani made the first move moving the infantry in front of the king one block.
I did the same, As the game proceeded Our cavalry clashed, only in a few moves all of the cavalry of both of us were dead from the fierce fighting. The camel units were unleashed, Tried to maneuver around the enemy lines using the camels, ending in failure.
I tried to play a risky gamble, sending my both rooks which might die, to distract the enemy, while the queen and the remaining of the infantry flanks the enemy and goes to checkmate the king. The rooks were intercepted by the Enemy infantry and the queen was send to reinforce the front.
Everything was going according to the plan, than I rushed my the queen and infantry forces towards the enemy lines blitzing, my forces quickly cut through the enemy lines, which soon melted.
I rushed towards the king who was unprotected, the enemy tried to stall my advance by diverting some infantry units and the queen, but my valiant rooks blocked their movment, in the clashing one of the rook fell dead, but only after killing the queen, The Opposite king was becoming helpless...

Hello guys this was episode 7 of the school day, I hope you like it. Thanks to my supporters readers and followers. Toodles!!!

© Sassy S.S.K.