

The Tale Of The Mid-Day Camp
Chapter 1

........Not long ago there was a parched tree covered with red threads. The land beyond this tree was believed to be Haunted.

Trespassing was Restricted. The place wasn't a trouble until......

....a group decided to camp alongside the doomed land .
They decided not to violate any of the terms but record the incidents they were going to face on the trip .
The trip was supposed to be a vocation.  The camera's were all planted and it was high noon .
The group didn't find any moments lately so they decided to enter the land without informing the authorities......
The group had 5 members and 2 of them chose the wrong path...

Hours passed by and there wasn't a sign of the other two . The other three decided to step into the land . To their astonishment they saw an aged man crawling out of the woods ,the other three had no idea who he was until they saw his campsuit and realised its been years he was in there ..fear begins when they see a cut flesh of his tongue....(he could no longer speak) .One of the three decided to go into the woods and look for the two members .On his way into the wood he finds a camera which was carried by one of the member. He started playing the recent footage and that moment he nearly fainted to death.

...To be Continued...

© BrownPaladin