

A Series of Myths and Legends: Music
My love, my love
My fearless love
I will not say goodbye
Sea may rise
Sky may fall
My love will never die
Go on, go on
Go bravely on
Into the blackest night
Hold my breath
'Til your return
My love will never die
My heart, my heart
My drowning heart
Oh, all the tears I've cried
Oh I may weep forevermore
My love will never die

The song has been stuck in my mind for quite a while now. I find the melody so relaxing. I can't stop listening.

This song is about or from the series Lucifer. I don't watch that show and I don't know if I ever will. But I do enjoy the clips I see on Facebook.

While I'm just sitting near my desk, watching shows like Family Guy, I hum the song. I just can't get enough of it. Though, I do remember not listening to it for a few weeks because I kept binge watching anime.

After those few weeks while I was reminiscing of embarrassing memories, the song starts to play in my head. For a second, I forgot the title. So I just searched the lyrics I remembered and now, I'm listening again.

It's not annoying despite listening to it a hundred times but I don't understand why I can't get rid of it even after listening to lots of other songs. Before I sleep, it's one of the songs I listen to.

I want to end the melody as of now. I've recently gotten addicted to a song I just found out after 3 years. Thanks, TikTok. But even with that, the song "My Love Will Never Die" is still in my head.

Still, I don't stop listening to other songs. Eventually, it stops. I decide not to listen to that song for now. I'll probably come back to that in a few months or years.

It's been a few weeks now. While I'm attending classes via online, I scroll through my Facebook newsfeed. I check my friend requests and encounter this certain account. I decided to stalk them a bit.

Apparently he's an 18-year old boy. He's quite cute. On his bio, it said "currently looking for soulmate". So he's one of those teens that wants a lover immediately. He has a lot of shared memes. And I mean A LOT. His whole timeline is filled with them. And they aren't even that funny. No offense.

I still go on stalking him. He shared some dark jokes which I found way too dark and hilarious. It takes me a while to realized I had reached his posts from weeks ago. One of those posts is a vid with the caption, "Song's been stuck in my head - thought of making a cover".

I watch it. He has an amazing voice. He plays the piano well, too. I can't help but smile while watching.

I mean, he's cute. He has a nice voice. He plays the piano. His background is an anime cover. His bed room is well-organized. Who wouldn't smile at that?

Well, that smile stops at the climax when I realizes he was singing "My Love Will Never Die". Like, of all songs, why that?

I check the dates of that video and other related posts and notice that the days it has been stuck in his head are the days when it was stuck in mine. Though, his' started a day after.

It's just a mere coincidence.

But, it's still surprising.

I stop stalking when the teacher calls my name. There was an oral recitation. I did not listen to the lecture at all.

I got 0 out of 100.

That night, I received a message from that boy.

He greeted me a great evening. I replied back in hopes that we'd be friends.

Hmmm friends I suppose.

After I greeted back, we spend an hour chatting about ourselves. We end up clicking well with each other. He's so sweet and charming. We have a lot of mutual interests.

An hour became two then three until I have to go to sleep. He understands that and greets me a good night.

The next days, we keep chatting with each other. We even thought of meeting each other in person. While chatting, we agree to have a video call.

That goes on for months now. I don't know if we're just friends or more than that. It kind of felt like the latter. But, I can't jump into conclusions. Yet, I like him though.

It's another day today. We meet in person for the first time. He's taller than I expected. We don't talk for a while due to awkwardness. I don't know how to start this conversation.

He talks first and tells me we'll be eating lunch at the restaurant in front of us. After we take our seat, he heads to the male's bathroom. I check my phone and scroll through TikTok.

A certain video caught my attention. It was a video about myths around the world. One of them described that certain coincidence.

"There's a myth that says that when a song is stuck in your head, it means your soulmate is singing it at the moment."

It's just a coincidence. Nothing to believe in. Nothing to assume or else I'll end up hurting myself.

He comes back later. We just sit across each other, awkwardly smiling and talking.

Then, this happens:

I wanted to tell him that I was going to the bathroom, but I didn't. So, I stayed there with him. While waiting for one of us to talk, the song I mentioned earlier in this story started to play in my head. I was getting pissed. Just as I was about to talk to him, he was humming the song. He looked at me and smiled while still humming the song. I remembered blushing and smiling while listening to him.

He told me that a few days before he made a cover of that song, he had never heard of it. It just abruptly enter his mind. He searched the lyrics that was clearer and found the song. He also liked the melody that the song was also stuck in his head.

I can link this with anyone in this world but the time setting of his situations precisely and accurately linked with mine. With that thought, we laughed about it and started talking again.

It was a mere coincidence that I actually found my soulmate. Like believe me that he is my soulmate. We have three children we adopted.

And why adopt, you may ask?

It's because we're both males.

We live happily for 30 years now. The spark we had when we met virtually never vanished but instead sparked even more.

I guess I can say that, with all those years spent happily with my family, my love had never died even though I'm on my death bed.

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