

Before starting this story, I want to raise a question for all of the readers.

Who is called the luckiest person?

Does it mean to have a good relationship? or having a luxurious life? Is there any connection between luck and money?

I am Stacy, and this is my story of finding true happiness. I'm from Chicago, and I was born in a middle class family. There are four members in my family. My dad, my mother, me and my brother. I was completely different in my family, I used to curse my life just because I was not like my classmates.

Fabiola, the richest girl in my class, I used to claim that she was the luckiest girl in the entire world. She had everything that any person desires in his life. I was really fascinated by her. Meanwhile, at my home I didn't even have a seperate room. I used to live with my younger brother.

As things went further, I started realizing I was literally broken. Whenever she would post her snaps in her beautiful luxurious villa, or hanging out with her boyfriend, and even going out for holidays. There was nothing which she didn't own. I started to keep on over-thinking. I started cursing myself why I was born in this poor family.

I asked my mother to go on vacation and she said your father can't take vacations as it will deduct his salary. Ugh! I knew it. This would be her answer. I used to wonder why all the people in this world are not rich? Why are we different from them? As final exams were about to start I had to push myself towards these thoughts, and had to manage to go to school.

When I was on my way, I saw Fabiola crying. I went to her and asked her what happened. At first, she refused to answer, and then finally she made a promise to me not to share her things with anybody. And I was literally flabbergasted by her answer, it seemed that her answer had completely changed my perspective. Her answer was: My parents are being separated as my mom is getting married with another man.
I asked her, so what? her reply was that "she has refused to bring me up as I'm the responsibility of my father, but my father says, I'm a business, I can't be with her all the time. All he can do is hire a lady servant to look after me.
How can my parents do this to me? Can money buy my parents' love?

I know everyone calls me the luckiest girl in this school, but who knows how poor I'm. I am a burden for both of my parents as both of them want me to live with the other one, or they needn't take care of me. You are so lucky Stacy as you have the parents who love you a lot and I brother like your best friend. This is called real lucky things, please be grateful for what you have.

And when I was on my way to home, I just kept on thinking her words, yesss she was right. I'm the luckiest person because I have the most precious things. My loving parents who love me alot. As I arrived, I just hugged my mom and started crying, she kissed my forehead, and I was lost in that moment.

At the end, what matters is what you have. You can't do anything about what you don't have, so just be grateful and have gratitude for what you own because there are many people who don't have the things that you have.

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