

Love isn't heart shaped is it or is it triangular? 1
Here is a story about my life, brief as it may be.
It begins with me (Reginald) and my friend (Simon).
Simon has always been in love with this beautiful girl I wish to keep anonymous, we shall call her the fair queen. He has always spoken so much of his love for her, for a long while now but she eventually turned him down still maintaining their friendship. Well, however I haven't never been interested in her for once decided that maybe I study this individual who had gotten my friend heart strucken. I didn't want to appear creepy so I got acquainted to her through my friend... Now, friendship was born and my observation began. Every ounce of movement, body language, speech, emotions, I took them all and absorbed them to understand this beautiful creature. And, the more I absorbed the more of her I became, I understood her silence, I completed her sentences.... even her darkness to me was a gift, everyday was a revelation of how beautiful darkness could be as a gift. I fell in love her, but then it became the birth of jealousy. Simon didn't approve of this, he never confronted me but his actions, behaviours and body language said otherwise. Yet even in this emotional entanglement, more was yet to be realized.
© Dan_Dave-