

Don't be like "He-er"
If you’re not a fan of Bollywood or have somehow missed out, you probably haven’t seen Imtiaz Ali’s “Rockstar.” It seems whenever there’s chatter about this movie on social media or when its soul-stirring songs echo in our ears, all eyes and thoughts flock to Ranbir Kapoor. We dissect his journey, marvel at how he morphed from the naive Janardhan into the iconic Jordan, and endlessly discuss his trials and tribulations.

Yet, in this shadow cast by Jordan’s larger-than-life character, Heer, the film's female protagonist, often goes unnoticed. Why is her identity just a mere extension of Jordan’s? Reduced to being his lover, her own story — her life and death — barely skim the surface of our conversations. Even her passing is overshadowed by Jordan’s ongoing saga. As typical in Bollywood, the hero steals the spotlight, leaving little room for others.

But today, let’s shift focus. Let’s talk about Heer, not because the script demands it, but because it’s time her story found its voice.

Heer is a Kashmiri girl navigating the academic lanes of Delhi University. To and from college, she’s chauffeured, always under the watchful eyes that admire her beauty but fail to see beyond. It’s Jordan who casually remarks that she isn’t "all that special" to him, and oddly, this indifference gives her space to breathe, to be her authentic self. This is her escape from the societal shackles that define what a "proper" lady should be like. With Jordan, she experiences a fleeting taste of freedom — a freedom she yearns for, not from Jordan himself but from the constraints that bind her.

However, how long can a nurtured bird soar before it must return to its cage? For Heer, this cage morphs into a gilded prison in Prague, where slowly, inexorably, the vibrant bird begins to wither.

Unseen and unheard, her plight deepens. Neither family nor friends, not even Jordan, truly understand what she needs. In Prague, a temporary reunion with Jordan rekindles her spirit, but reality pulls her back, and she returns to her cage, where eventually, Heer’s life ebbs away.

This tale is a poignant reminder of our own silent struggles. Often, we withhold our deepest fears and desires from those closest to us, clinging to the hope that love equates to understanding. We bear our burdens in silence, making sacrifices that go unnoticed. But imagine if we mustered the courage to express our needs as fiercely as we endure our sacrifices. Perhaps then, our stories might take a different turn.

Why wait for someone else to grant us permission to live fully? No one will ever understand us completely. Therefore, as diligently as we attend to the happiness of others, we should seize responsibility for our own joy. And let’s not tread the path of Heer’s mistakes. Instead, let’s learn from them and choose a different narrative for ourselves — one where we are not just mere spectators in our lives but the authors of our destinies.

© Sarah✨️