

My Roots
I started wondering as a child, "why is my name spelled so differently than the other kids?"

So I asked my mom and she simply said that her and my father wanted me to be different.

I accepted that, but time after time I would have to correct people when they would spell my name Neal or Neil.

Growing up I kind of wanted to just be like the other kids and be normal. I felt a bit secluded with the idea of being different.

It wasn't until recently that I found out that Neel is an Indian name, and rather common too.

My father has always been somewhat of a mystery to me, in a good way, even though he was never really there. I just have a few memories of him and a couple of photographs.

My father and mother never really got along, it was always constant arguing. I tried to reach out a few times, but he was always busy.

There are times I wished I had a father figure in my life. Now that I am a lot older it's a bit too late to reunite the relationship between me and my father.

I'm content with just having one parent, I love my mom.

And I think I finally understand why my name is spelled the way it is, it's our differences that make us special.

Also there is a story from my dad's side of the family, that back in the day when the Silk Road was active, there was a Chinese General who was traveling on this path and found an Indian girl who was orphaned. The General took her in and raised her. His son eventually married this girl, and I am a decendant of this beautiful story.

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