

A short story
Candy grew up hating the world.. she had lost her parents and the only surviving family she had was her uncle but sadly,he was adding to her pain rather than comforting her.

Alex had everything you could ever ask for.. A rich and loving family, expensive possession and to top it all.. he was the sweetest child you'd ever have the privilege of meeting.

These two strangers cross paths one day and their lives changed... literally. They had been caught up in a spell gone wrong and they switched bodies

Candy goes to live with Alex's family and Alex goes to live with Candy's family..

Now you would assume that they both change and then they magically go back to their original bodies and become close friends.. right?

well they don't.. Alex turns bad and Candy remains bad.. and they never saw each other again..


Sad? Sometimes we don't always get the fairytale ending we seek..

Lesson?... well Life won't change for you unless you look it in the eyes and force that change.