

A little scary story of my life.... part-lll
After discussion we just came to the class..... But my friends locked me in the lab 5 minutes and came back to the class...... And they forgot to open the lab....After 10 minutes school was over and I remained locked in the lab..... I shout a lot to open the door but nobody came to opened.... I was so scared..... It was around 6:00 in the evening and I was so hungry..... It was getting dark now but still no one opened the lab.... I slept around 9:00pm and feeling so scared because there was no even a light in the lab.... My parents were very worried about me and find me everywhere...... I don't have phone numbers of my friends that's why my parents can't contact with my friends.....Now it's around 1:00am I suddenly woke up and saw it was dark everywhere and getting so scared.... Suddenly a voice came....

To be continued in part-4
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