

The area no 51 is till very promising
Even then the World was the same as it is today. Dense blue Sky, overflowing Oceans, a hint of green on the soil, rivers,hills, air, clouds , atmosphere and volcanoes. Not everything is known today, but Scientists are constantly researching to understand everything clearly. Even though there were green algae , there were no plants then. There were no animals also. They came much later in the course of evolution. The time we are talking about is the reign of algae on the Earth. The Sea water used to rise on the land and the algae were nourished in that Water.Life on the Earth is made up of DNA and RNA from proteins. The post DNA stage was going on in the World then .Protein is created in a natural way on Earth.This protein is the primary cause of life on the Earth . One day an Allien Ship appeared in this greenish primitive World . The Sun was in the middle of the Sky that day . A huge alliance ship of a few miles length and breadth touches the ground.The Sky vechicle was of very advanced technology. We can't imagine how many kinds of light , rays,waves were coming out of it. The Spacecraft was like clear glass but very hard could be invisible to the naked eye . Then the aliens came down from the Spacecraft . They came from a planet millions of light years away, they came to Earth millions of years later. We had no existence in that mossy World in that day, but the aliens came on their way . They set out in search of life in this Universe. Their Spaceship was a like a moving mobile laboratory. They came out with a lot of Spacecraft, among them a Spacecraft observes the Earth as it pass through the Solar system . They were looking for planets or satellite that have a favorable environment for the creation of life.They were trying to understand mystery of the creation of the Universe on the ground. The persons who came down from the Spaceship looked a lot like our humans, but it was hard to describe if they were human or not. Almost all of their bodies were artificially mechanized. The brain was artificially alive and there was no limit to it's lifespan. The rest of the body's limbs were all artificially mechanized. Arificial heart , flesh , skin , bones , marow , hands, feet , fingers , eyes , ears , are all artficial . Except for the brain, all cells, tissues, even the nervous system were all mechanical . Associated with their brains were millions of supercomputers with artificial intelligence . Because of the artificially kept brain , their thoughts, feelings, perceptions were all like any advanced natural organism. With advanced Science and technology, they conquered death and overcame the limitations of the body . Their spaceship was on going laboratory , and for millions of years they left their planet , but they kept in touch with their own planet and with the adventures and their Spaceship . Before landing on Earth, they have landed on thousands of planetes and satellites that have developed or underdeveloped civilization or the potential for life . They have seen all those developed or underdeveloped civilization up close, they have tried to understand their culture and civilization in a good way. They have collected innumerable samples, images, data -evidence from those planets and satellites. They have interacted with them , helped them and done constant research . The aliens came down to the surface of the Earth . Their dresses were weird . Their clothing consisted of a variety of sophisticated equipment. With the limbs of the body and inside the body were fine instruments . The connection of the artificial intelligence was with the eyes and with the head in the middle of the spine. Various light, rays, waves etc coming out from their clothes . The soil of the Earth not like it is today . They were walking slowly over the surface. It was hard to see what they were thinking. Many many years ago , they knew about the Earth . By their advanced Teliscope they knew that the Earh was in the habitable zone . Since they are coming from a distant Galaxy beyond the Milkyway Galaxy , they observed keenly and deeply many Stars in the Milkyway Galaxy during their stay in the Andromida Galaxy .The list they compiled during their stay in the Andromida Galaxy included the name of the Sun or the planet Earth in the Solar -system . They named the Earth the blue planet. The aliens were walking on the soil in row. Although they were many in number , ten or twelve came down to the surface . In their hands was a strange instrument like an illuminated bar. Millions of years ago , the surface of the Earth was not as it is today . The Alliance was walking on the high and low rough surface . From their eyes and from the strange looked bar in their...