

The outfit
Riya was lying in bed, texting her boyfriend

💬 Sam : Shall we hang out today? ☑️☑️
💬 Riya : Yup! ☑️☑️
💬 Sam : Done. Get ready 😊 ☑️☑️
💬 Sam : I'll pick you. ☑️☑️
💬 Riya : Done.! ☑️☑️

She opened her wardrobe and thought, "Where are we going?" She messaged Sam, but he hadn't seen it yet.

💬 Riya : Is it a casual hangout? ☑️

Riya tried on numerous outfits: a red T-shirt, jeans with a white blouse, a yellow dress, a blue shirt dress, a white peasant dress, a green boho dress, a pink empire waist dress, and a navy blue A-line dress. She still wasn't satisfied

💬 Riya : Anywhere romantic? ☑️

💬 Riya : Chic? ☑️

💬 Riya : Cafe? ☑️

💬 Riya : Beach? ☑️

💬 Riya: Cocktail? ☑️

💬 Riya : Party? ☑️

💬 Riya : Vintage? ☑️

Finally, she settled on black pants and a white top, feeling uncertain.

💬 Sam : Sorry babe, I slept. ☑️☑️
💬 Sam : It's raining here. ☑️☑️

She looked out and noticed that it was drizzling.

💬 Riya : Yeah, it's raining. ☑️☑️
💬 Sam : Plan canceled today. ☑️☑️
💬 Riya : It's okay, ☑️☑️
💬 Riya : I don't have anything to wear anyway. ☑️☑️

After trying 50 outfits, her room was a mess of clothes in every color, and she still felt like she had nothing to wear. Her mirror reflected her fashion frenzy, ending in resigned acceptance amidst the chaos.

© Aboorva