

peace on blood do we need?
The loud blast startled us all. On its heels the plane nose-dived. "Jump out now!"
The squadron leader opened the hatch. It looked like a gaping gateway to hell. One by one the soldiers jumped into the dark abyss. I was the last to go...
The fear engrossed me. Never did I imagined I could be in this situation and still a thrill encircles around. A feeling of freedom well not in this occasion. Instead it looked like we are going for good.With the heart full of courage I jumped.
the wind slapped me countless times. I thought of all the mistakes I could have committed saying as I'm getting punished. soon I opened my parachut and there was a surprise..it didn't open. I felt betrayed by my fate ...but when its only 350 km it opened and I landed half safely...
I thought I was the iron Man well soon I was brought back to reality. we were in the middle of war. The enimies have already targeted us. we were in position of escaping so decided to fight our lives out.
well we were unequipped. So we grabbed o wooden stick and stones . well in that time we looked like midevial period people. As for good thing is it dead dark. so we were a little bit safe.
That night we decided to sleep peacefully as in the dark only bat will tempt to attack. But God had something else for us. The mosquitoes....oh! so horrible. The itching is out of the world. At that time I really wanted to spend time fighting with enemy than mosquitoes....
We woke up early and made our way back to camp. The view was heartbreaking. Everywhere blood spilled. The scene was devastating..The hands were cut. the legs were twisted. Heads were lost....
I felt so sad thinking of what they might have gone through. never would I want to go through that...but still I want to revenge for my brother's death...
There were only 20 of us remained alive. We decided to plan out the plan to take over the enemy. The sketches were done. Allotments were completed. now remained is to execute .
the enemy camp when there were sleeping we presented our plan in work. that was a great success . There was no longer vengeance. It's achieved. The nation's protected but on what cost ?lives....blood....all. I'm happy for that but Still lies a pain that they have lost their lives. I know they have the family as us. But what is the use of they don't think so too.
Does Peace lies only on the flow of blood? does killing idls the only way? do we need rally need it? As a soldier I still think and answer still lies ...
Everytime I step my foot to the field once I always think why do they do??
well all we need peace so hope the next generation held this wish of mine.....
© new era