

Her story of Healing
She was battling a situation in life when her existence was challenged. Her days were cursed with anxiety, fear and depression. A phase in life where she lost her friends, relation, well wishers and struggled to control her mental hazard. Loneliness engulfed her completely and pessimistic thoughts used to be an unstoppable calamity in her mind. Meanwhile, a beacon of light found way in her life when her parents came to her rescue . They treated her just like a blessed miraculous medicine on her wounds. They tried to replace her diffidence with self confidence. When the world left her in that desolate corner, her creators with divine love and affection filled her emptiness and directed her to the way of reconstruction. She sailed through the journey of healing with her parents.Yes, she made her parents the sole love of her life and proved that love at first sight in the hospital will continue till her last breath. Each day then turned to be a new chapter for her where she started crafting her future. Soon , she was able to smile with contentment and took the initiative of healing other lives. Motivating others and rescuing those in depression used to be her daily task. Along with her life, she effortlessly contributed for the welfare of many innocent souls.
© Taniya