

The day I questioned :why? (part:2)


I could feel someone lifting me up and supporting me and making me to walk ... I was not completely conscious.

I could feel a glass touching my lips and slowly I could taste water .

When I opened my eyes... I could see that,
I was sitting on a sofa in my hall room.
I could slowly hear voices...

I saw a police men sitting in front of me...
He was asking me "who are you? why were you in the garden? what happened? etc etc.."

I slowly turned to my right and saw my parents lying down on the floor and part of our hall was filled with blood.

suddenly my past events started flashing in my mind and I recalled what has happened.

I ran towards my parent's corpse and couldn't stop crying...

After a very long time...

My parent's corpse are taken away for autopsy ...

The Police men questioned me of what has happened.

I started writing what has happened {because you know I am dumb💬}

After a long interrogation...police had left.They said that they will soon solve this case and asked me to stay safe.

It was already dark in the night...
I was sitting in the hall room.
I couldn't sleep.
"It was all my fault.I would've not left home... I would've not acted rashly with them ..." all these thoughts were running in my mind and ...
I kept crying.
I went towards the hall area where my parents were dead and kept on crying.

I slept on the floor and suddenly I saw something beside the main door...

To be continued...


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👉 #whypart1

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