

As the world spins, take time to recognize the importance of standing still
The old woman dropped her purse, spilling it's contents all over the sidewalk. He rushed ahead to help her stopping short when he saw the gun under the purse. "I just wanted to help!" he exclaimed. "I'm sorry" as she withdrew her fire arm. "This world has changed, I apologize for greeting your courtesy the same." She mentioned to him as he helped retrieve her belongings. The old woman then told him of the multiple muggings she's been a victim of before she considered owning a fire arm. "I know it doesn't make my initial reaction right, but can you at least understand the trauma that altered my sight?" She lamented "I probably wouldn't own a weapon if other people were half as kind, it really is a shame." As he handed her the last item and before they parted ways "Ma'am I'm sorry you endured all that hardship." She said as she turned to walk away "I'm sorry for the sincere kindness we all tend to forget, take care young man and thank you for showing this woman that all hopes not lost yet."
© mojojojo2895