

My Vampire Lover (Chapter 7: Who is Erin?)
Erin and Kira reached College but today College's atmosphere was strange. Everyone were Talking about Yuki and Reki.
{Writer- Wrong guesses 😌}
Hey what's the matter?; Kira Inquired from a random student
You don't know Kira, Girl asked with shocked Expressions
What I don't know?; Kira questioned in confusing tone
You don't know that Reki is Yuki's new girlfriend; The Girl said with Excitement.
What?? New Girlfriend?; Erin asked shockingly
Yeah!; Girl said
But how you knew about it?; Asked Kira in a Desperate tone
Girl- You Don't Know he has Officially Announced about it in front of whole college (Laughing)
Kira- Whole College? 😱
Girl nods and moves toward her class.
Erin saw Kira's expression and started consoling her.
Erin- Kira see ....
But Kira cut her word and Said smiling; Erin we are getting Late, Lets go (Without hearing Erin's answer she moved away)

Place: Sarangh Road, House no. 24
Scene: A Beautiful Haveli's room lighted by many Candels.
Night at 10 PM
Yes I recognized You both; A trembling voice came
Liam and Yuki turned towards voice, They saw an ugly woman in front of them. She was holding a locket in her right hand and wore a black dress with some light jewelleries.
She come towards them and touched lightly Liam's cheek.
Regina- Do You think I can forget you? (Saying this she moves back)
There was hatred in her voice which was noticed by Liam and Yuki and they knew very well the reason behind her hatred.
Ask me Whatever you want to know?; Regina said in a suspicious tone
Liam was about to say but Regina stops him and Continued- But ask wisely i will answer your only two questions.
After saying it she lights one of the candle 🕯and sat on a sofa 🛋 there.
Yuki saw that ugly woman who was sitting there with a smirk on her face.
Liam thought for a while and asked; Who is Erin??

Kira was thinking about Yuki and Unknowingly tear fell from her eyes.
Erin who was with Kira today started caressing her hair to make her feel good. Kira hugged Erin tightly and starts crying.
After sometime when she stopped She broke the hug and said with a heavy tone- I think I am not in love.
After hearing Kira's shocking Announcement Erin was surprised as mostly people say that They are in love. But Kira?
She said with Shocking expressions; Kira, I think you should say You are in love, shouldn't you?
Kira wiped her tears using her fingers and asked innocently- Why should I?
Erin touched Kira's head lightly with her palm and said to herself- She has not fever.
Erin I am not sick, why are you checking it?; Kira asked removing Erin's hand from her cold forhead
Can you please explain me what's wrong with you, why you were crying?; Erin shouts in annoying way 😤
Erin I thought i have finally found my dream prince when i saw Yuki but you know i never felt jealous nor felt that I can't leave without him, I was crying because I realized I am not in love.
In morning When She said that Yuki has New Girlfriend as Reki, I wasn't shocked because Yuki is in relationship i was shocked because it was Reki; Kira clarified
It means You don't love Yuki; Erin asked for confirmation
Kira smiled brightly and said; Nope I am not but..
Erin- But? 🤨
He is still my crush; Kira said while blushing

If i am right then You are chasing Erin from past 1 Year after the death of Daisy, aren't You?; Regina asked
Liam nods
Regina smiled and continued- ...

Erin looks out of the window The sky is totally dark and the moon is hidden behind the black clouds 🌫.
I hope You will find Your Prince soon Kira; She muttered and looked at Kira who was sleeping silently.
She smiled and closed her eyes.

*In USA*
Badge Hotel
*Smash*, The sound of breaking glass was heard from a room.
Anthony cover his eyes with his palm and shouts loudly, 'aaah'!!
After few seconds
He took his palm away from his eyes and looked at himself with the help of broken pieces of mirror. He first saw his red eyes there. He fell on his knees and starts sobbing..

To be Continued.......

© Bhavi🤍