

The Unexpected And Expected Pain
You know, in life. We have two kinds of pain. We have the unexpected pain, and the expected pain. Now, what exactly do I mean by that? Let's just take for instance; you're living your life, happy, full of joy, positivity and you're financially stable. Then, all of a sudden, boom! You got a bomb planted in front of you. Now, there's only two alternatives, two choices - you gotta make. It's either you take the bomb, and you deactivate it, or you go back, and you get shot. At some point, you're thinking to yourself, "If I do not deactivate this bomb, it's gonna blast off (obviously)." That moment, is a fearful moment. You're busy thinking to yourself, "What's gonna happen to my family? How will they feel if I weren't in their lives anymore?" And it hurts you, because you never wanna see them cry; you don't wanna see them hurt, and pain is the last thing you would want them to experience. That moment there, that is the expected pain. You're expecting that, by trying to deactivate the bomb, something might go wrong and they will be left in pain, and sorrow. And you start thinking to yourself, "Maybe I should go back." Going back, you get shot. Now, that is the unexpected pain. This situation means that, what has happened - had to happen, and you gotta deal with it, and they have to deal with it. Nothing happens for nothing; there is a blessing behind all that. So, don't be afraid to take the risk. Imagine your dreams as your family, and then, be willing to die for them.
© Mohau Mokoena