

Murder Of The Soul
I will tell you about my wickedness and selfishness with the kindness and selflessness of others...

For years I passed by a flower that withered more and more every day, but I felt that sadness and immense pain while looking at it, every day I persistently went to that flower because only that one flower could make me feel alive.. That flower, although I constantly took care of it and watered it, nothing could stop it from withering, really, dear readers, it was very selfless and simple, it had its own cycle, that was its nature, to have its own birth and death, but my selfishness was to make him change, to continue living, to overcome himself, to overcome his limits and become something superior, I tried everything I could, I was really evil, but no matter how hard I tried, it was all in vain, my labor and my love could not stop the stupid cycle of nature, even though the flower followed only its own being, no one had said that the flower could not stop it, did not the one who created that beauty also wanted the flower to survive, he left a way to change, but the flower accepted its apparent limitation, now someone would say what about your malice and selfishness for the flower to survive, I would not say that I am selfish but in my opinion his decision is wrong and I do not accept it, and I consider myself for a very brave one who thinks of the flower and does not accept his fate, now we come to his selflessness and kindness, that flower persistently gave hope to the man even though he knew that he would not fight and accept his fate, eh, how much evil he had in his goodness, I don't know how disgusted and surprised I can be by the malice of a good ones, no matter how much evil the evil do, at least their emotions are not six-faced, they are always honest and real, but the man still loved the flower until he died with it...
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