

love is life
"Some things in life are meant to be together". Tell something that would suffice the lines in a story.

there was one boy and one girl who studied in same school from childhood names swayam and ruhi. as they grew up they started liking eachother. they were shy of eachother and they would not talk rather just stare eachother, like this year's passed and they reached in 10 std . one day swayam heard ruhi telling her friends that after board exams her parents will her to other state for futher studies and the boy becomes very upset, he couldn't understand what to do he dint wanted to loose her and then regret for not telling her feelings because he dint knew whether he will see her after exams so one day he came to that girl in classroom where she was sitting and started talking to her. he tells her that I like you since our childhood and now my feelings for you are very serious and I heard yesterday that you will be going out of state and that thought made me upset and whole night I couldn't sleep as I was scared if you go then I might never meet you again so I decided to tell you, now you accept my proposal or reject it's on you,I will never force you to say me yes but if you accept then please never leave me, you take your time and answer me but I really do love you and I will never be able stay without you and never love anyone except you in any situation you will be in my heart even if you don't accept me and he goes from there. ruhi becomes very happy and emotional as she also had same feelings for him and she couldn't define her happiness ful night she thinks how to answer him and tell her feelings and next day morning she goes early and she tells him that she love him too from long back and she couldn't tell him her feelings as she was scared and they start their beautiful relationship happily. they start meeting eachother, spending time with eachother like this month's pass and exams come emerge. one day they go in garden and sit there holding eachother hands and her brother comes there with his friends and he see her with swayam and there only he slaps her and start fighting with swayam beats him and take her home n beat her n tell her parents that she was with one boy and then they start torturing her. then thier exams starts and her brother comes with her and stay there till exam get over so that by any chance they don't meet eachother and like this all paper get over and after results they send her to other state. during exam they see eachother n could feel eachother pain but had no option to talk. after results get declared swayam pass with very good marks and he takes admission in higher secondary in their state only and ruhi is sent in other state for further studies this is how they are separated . swayam tries to enquire about her from her friends, tries to contact her on phone but he don't get any enquire about her but he knew that she is send to other state but he didn't knew where it was. like that 2 years pass without any contact but their feelings for eachother still remained same .they would miss eachother every minute but they dint have any way to reach out eachother. after 12th std results swayam comes first in higher secondary with flourishing marks and he gets scholarship in best college in other state for further studies so he goes there. before living his state he again enquire about her whether she came to state back but he don't find her . he leaves his state and goes to other state. for him he dint had any friend there. his college starts and he goes to college all alone and he sits in his class having no friends with him. then sir enters the class and start the introduction. suddenly one sweet voice of girl comes on boys ears saying sir please may I come in and he feels like he has heard that voice earlier and tend to look at the door and to his shock ruhi enters. while walking to her seat she see swayam also couldn't understand what to do , how to express her emotions and without thinking anything directly sits next to him. they both stare eachother in eyes full of love and happiness but couldn't say a single word as sir was in class. after class gets over and sir leaves the class they both couldnt understand how to react on seeing eachother after 2 years of time. without uttering single word from their mouth swayam and ruhi just hug eachother tight and starts crying lot n lot n express their feelings and then they talk and talk with eachother continuously how 2 years time was for them without eachother. finally they meet eachother rossing all hurdles and become one . even after being away from eachother for 2 years their feelings didn't change and then they lived happily together and enjoy their life. so it is said some things are meant to be together even after so many problems . it is always said true love never dies and never changes with situation.