

Staring Faces!!
I was studying in my room, it was around 8.45 pm. I was feeling a bit hungry so I went to my mother and saw she was talking with someone in the phone. I asked her with whom she was talking? She said it's my didi (elder sister) and she wanted me to go and pick her from the bus stop. She also said that I garaged the scooty already, hearing that didi got angry suddenly and cut the phone. i said maybe she had some issue, I would talk to her.. Mom said," you both brother and sister are unpredictable, do whatever you want..I made dinner already, let me know when you want to eat.." I called my sister and asked where was she? She said,' I am at the bus stop, will you come?' I replied, well wait there, I would be there within 10 mins..I grabbed my keys and went to pick her up..When I reached there, I saw she was angry and afraid both at the same time!! I asked her if everything was okay or not..She first didn't say anything.. When I insisted her, she asked me if I saw any short bearded man in red T-shirt? I told her, naa I didn't see anyone like that..But why? then she told me, she was returning home by bus. After a while, she noticed a short-heighted, bearded man was trying to touch her and an woman who sat beside her inappropriately..The other woman also noticed that but due to feeling embarrassed, she remained silent!! But, she couldn't tolerate that..She stood up, caught the man by her collar and confronted him..She became very angry and said to stay the fuck away from them, otherwise she will show him the hell inside the bus..The man first started to shouting on my sister!! Probably he thought one alone girl would do what harm to him!! But she was built with different material, she stared at him with cold eyes and said, ' I won't give another warning, get out of the bus, or police will take care of the rest..' She angrily said me that forget about the other passengers even that other woman remained silent like nothing happened!! The man kept staring at my sister, until his stoppage came..My sister told me that's why she called me cause she was afraid if the man tried to harm her when she got out of the bus..it was already 9.30 pm..You guys may be wondering, it's not that late right..But in our area, there was already noone on the road, shops were closed by that time..I don't know, while listening to her, what happened to me, I suddenly saw a man looked like the man she was talking about!! I was about to tell her look!! Then I realized no that's not him, it's just a man passing by..I even saw a woman whose face was looking like that man and she was staring at my sister!! You might think it was funny, like how a woman could look like that man!! But to be honest at that moment, I was having a very different vibe..I was feeling angry and sad both at same time..I was angry cause if I found that man, I might even kill him!! I was sad cause when she needed me most, I wasn't there for her..The whole time of our return, I didn't even look at the rear view mirror, cause I was feeling like if I look, I would look like that man too!!
p.s- based on true incident, it was happened with my own elder sister..She handled the situation in her own way..I shared it to remind you people, it can happen to anyone of you..don't stay away, face the problem fearlessly.. anyway, if you are reading this, remember, I believe in you,I can't change the past, but we can change the future!! please share your views in the comments, waiting for a healthy conversation..

© Soumyadip