

Military Base : The Soldier's Life

In this world every country have their own army . Like factory MILITARY BASE also there .

In this story we are going to see about our INDIAN ARMY and their military base .

In india :

Indian army are struggling a lot to protect us . When the first war came to India and Pakistan .The Indo-Pakistani War of 1947–1948, or the First Kashmir War, was a war fought between India and Pakistan over the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir from 1947 to 1948. India suffered 2735 men in killed and 8225 in wounded. Indian tank losses were 80 as against 475 of Pakistan. Finally, a cease-fire was agreed upon with effect from 23 September 1965 with UN efforts.

Finally the war ended . But they don't know after this the war between China and India In

20 October 1962

After this war many soldiers in India were dead. Let's begin the story.

CHAPTER ONE : the soldiers struggle ..

In Indian military base :

They don't know when will the enemy will attack them. They are standing day and night with the Gun in the border .

Let's focus on particular team .

Nayak , Vinay , Ganesh , Ajmir and Deepak are illegal paramilitary force . They are now in one secret operation .

In Pakistan :

Some terrorist hiding one small cave near Pakistan .

Team leader DEEPAK .

Deepak -- Jai Hind !

Deepak and his team started to Attack the terrorist . And finally they Arrested MALIK KHAN .


Major -- I wanto appreciate you .

Deepak -- Thank you sir .

Major -- Do you need anything .

Deepak -- sir we want one month leave sir .

Major -- Ok . .


Nayak , Vinay , Ajmir and Ganesh were married and blessed with childrens . But Deepak didn't get married .

In Indian coffee shop :

Ganesh -- when will you marry ? .

Vinay -- Tell ! .

Deepak -- Soon . Ok where is your son .

Vinay -- I wanto see him .

Deepak -- go.

Vinay -- what ? .

Deepak -- Major gave one month leave .

Ajmir -- Really.

Deepak -- yes . Come let's go ! .

In Tamil Nadu :

They came to Tamil Nadu to visit their Family.

Ganesh's Son cried to see his father .

In Deepak's House :

Father -- Tomorrow is your marriage .

Mother -- Yes ! .

Deepak -- Mom . No . Give me some time .

Father -- How many days ?

Mother -- No. Tomorrow is your marriage.

Father -- Yes . Come ! . I informed to your Friends

Deepak -- Ok .

NIGHT 10:00PM .

In Military Base Jail :

Malik khan tried to escape from the jail . But some soldiers shooted him in leg . And he shifted to BLACK JAIL .

In Tamil Nadu :

Morning 10:00Am .

In Temple , Deepak's Marriage .

Ganesh -- Happy wedding day .

Vinay -- Ha Ha Ha.

Nayak -- Ha Ha Ha.

Ajmir -- Ha Ha Ha.

Deepak -- keep quite .

Nayak -- Who is the girl ?

Ajmir -- Who? .

Deepak -- I don't know .

Mother -- She is Lavanya .

Lavanya came .

Lavanya -- I wanto speak with him .

Deepak -- Ok. Speak .

Lavanya -- I'm working as police officer . I like you . Do you like me ? .

Deepak -- Yes ! . Let's marry .

Deepak weds Lavanya .

Ganesh's wife -- Brother enjoy ! .

Deepak -- Thank you sister .

Ganesh -- Ha Ha Ha .

Deepak -- where is your son ?

Ganesh -- He went to School .

Deepak -- Ok . Ok .

NIGHT 10:00PM .


Major -- soldiers Ready for Attack .

Soldiers -- what happened sir ? .

Major -- Terrorist came to attack our Military. Base . Come let's join our hands .

Soldiers -- Yes sir .

Terrorist came to Attack the military Base to Release Malik khan . Now military soldiers are defending them .

Terrorist kept the dangerous Booms on Military Base .

Boom Blasted . 3000 soldiers were dead .

The war continued for 3 days . No signal and No Network in Military Base .

Finally MALIK KHAN Released from the Military Base Jail .

CHAPTER 3 : THE Revenge .

After 1 month leave they came to Military Base .

Deepak -- sir What happen ? .

Major -- Deepak ! .

Major explained everything to Deepak .

Deepak -- sir I will take Revenge on them .

Major -- Ok .

Deepak -- And I will Arrest MALIK KHAN also .

Major -- Ok .

Deepak and his team ready for Action . .

Deepak -- we should Arrest him within this Night .

Ganesh -- Yes . Sir .

Five members ready to go to Arrest him . They are Vinay , Ganesh , Ajmir , Nayak and the team captain DEEPAK .

Night 10:00Pm . They ready to go ! .

Deepak -- Jai Hind ! .

Ganesh -- Jai Hind ! .

Ajmir -- Jai Hind ! .

Vinay -- Jai Hind ! .

Nayak -- Jai Hind! .

Flight Started . The flight will Land at Pakistan Border secretly .

Deepak -- Vinay ! Be safe ! .

Vinay -- Yes sir .

In one hand they are Angry and the other Hand they are crying . Because of their family . If they dead who responsible for their family , Wife and Children ? .

Deepak -- Ready for Landing . I know your. feelings . I'm Really sorry guys.

Ganesh -- it's ok . Sir .

Deepak -- Ready for Attack. Load your weapons .

Ajmir -- Yes sir . Jai Hind ! .



Flight Landed at Pakistan .

In Pakistan :

Deepak -- Vinay are you Ready ?

Vinay -- Yes sir ! .

Deepak -- pray to your god guys . We should. Return safely Back .

Ganesh -- sir My family ! .

Deepak -- Don't feel we will return safely .

Now they are near the Malik khan's secret house.

Deepak -- silence ! . Now Run and Attack! .

Deepak and his team started to shoot .

Ganesh -- Shoot ! .

Ajmir -- Shoot ! .

They went inside the Malik Khan's secret house.

No one there inside the house.

Nayak -- No one inside the house sir ! .

Deepak -- search ! .

Boom Blasted in Malik khan's secret house .

Malik khan only kept Boom in the house .

Ganesh , Ajmir and Vinay were dead in the Boom Blast .

Deepak -- Hey ! .

Deepak and Nayak cried.

Malik khan and his soldiers came ! .

Malik khan -- Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.

Deepak -- Hey ! 😡 . I will kill you.

Malik khan -- come let's fight .

Deepak -- 😡 .


Nayak Alerted to Indian Military force.

Indian army came .And Malik khan was escaped.


Deepak and Nayak came to Military Base.

Deepak -- Major I'm leaving this Job .

Major -- Deepak....

Deepak -- Good Bye sir .

Deepak Leaves his Job and he went to his Native.

In Tamil Nadu :

Ganesh's wife -- Brother 😭 .

Deepak -- sorry Da.

Ajmir's wife -- why 😭? .

Deepak -- sorry Ma .

Vinay's wife. -- My children crying Brother 😭 ! I believed you only Brother 😭 .

Deepak -- 😭😭😭 . What can I Do 😭😭😭😭 .

In Deepak's House :

Lavanya -- Don't feel ! .

Deepak -- I didn't feel . I wanto kill him.

Lavanya -- what ? .

Deepak -- Now I need training . I will take my emotional Revenge on him .


Speed , Fast and furious is my only weapon.

Deepak -- This is a Emotional Revenge.

😡😡😡😡😡 .

Angry , Memory and guilt is my another weapon.

Deepak -- My nose smells his Blood.

I want Malik khan's Blood. I wanto drink his Blood. .

I can't able to control myself . My taught is "I wanto kill him " .

CHAPTER 7 : THE Emotional Revenge .


Deepak has a big gun behind his house the Gun name The Gustav gun .

About The Gustav gun :

THE WORLD biggest Gun . The Gustav gun created by the Germans, takes the cake on this one with an 80cm barrel. The Germans first used this gun in World War II; it was designed to pulverize French defensive bunkers in the early days of the war.


In Pakistan :

He carried the Biggest gun to the Pakistan to kill them .

Malik khan -- Hey 😡😡😡 .

Deepak -- come ! .

Deepak came alone . But Malik khan came with 5000 soldiers.

Deepak -- Come 😡! .

Malik khan -- Hey 😡 ! .

Deepak shooted them with THE GUSTAV GUN .

Deepak -- Ha Ha Ha😡 .

Malik Khan -- Come 😡 .

Deepak -- 😡 .

Deepak fired 5000 soldiers . 😡.

Deepak -- Angry is my one and only weapon 😡 .

Malik khan -- No . No .No .

Deepak -- Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha 😡 .

Deepak killed Malik khan .

Deepak -- Dan ! Dan ! Dan ! .


In Military Base :

Major -- Hey ! Man good work .

Deepak -- Yes sir 😡 .

Major -- You are the next Captain for high level team .

Deepak -- Ok sir 😡 .

Major -- I wanto salute you! .

Deepak -- Thank you sir 😡 .

Major -- Deepak you are the next Captain .

Deepak -- 😡😡😡😡 . Ha ha ha ha.

Deepak killed Major 🔥 .

Deepak -- Ha Ha Ha 😠 .

Major was a Big criminal . Now the dealing between Major and Malik khan. If Major done everything Malik khan says. Malik khan will give 1000 crores money to Major.

Major only kept a Boom at Malik khan's secret house to kill the Deepak and his team.

According to me Major is the villain of this story .

So only Deepak killed Major.


In Military Base :

Deepak become a Major. Deepak decided to kill who done treason for India .