

The First Black Music Man
I was excited. That whole day I was waiting for it to end. If night came sooner I thought.
He dressed in the dressing room. Nervous of how he would do but as he prayed.. confidence swept across his person like wind across the leaves. A calm came. He stood up kissed and hugged us and we took are seats. This was going to be good.
It was the buzz of the city. The Music Man play was to take place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The center wasn't so pact but as the play commensed a familiar face graced the stage. He sang and danced and I saw angels applauding around the walls. Mouths opened as The Most High's chosen began to sing. And oh how he sang and danced. Standing ovation and cheers and roses.

He had given the performance of a lifetime... and I was present waiting hold a single red rose. I love you daddy. Own who you are.. in God.
© Evone GoddessLegba Payton Banks