

I can attest to the mental torture that follows self reliance, thinking mine own efforts will accomplish anything that isnt vanity.

God says YOU WILL prosper in all that you do if you walk in His ways. I am prospering now more than I ever have in my life since getting my heart right and sold out to the LORD from years of thinking "I" can do anything.

The ways I prosper are so joyous in the simplicity of how the LORD brings lifes most basic needs to my life. I look at the simplicity of my food and praise Him, I look at the simplicity of my apartment and thank Him and how my life has contentment. That being said my flesh still has its champagne taste when it comes to what it wants and frustration that I cannot indulge my desires as I did in the past, Scripture tells us that the flesh and the spirit war against one another always and im greatful for this as it assures me whom I belong to.

I get some simple foods and get excited, I pay the simplest of bills and get excited & I even get joyous when I have clean laundry or when my elderly neighbor cooks me a great meal out of the blue on days im craving something different when I dont want to spend money on overpriced meals.

I cant tell you how priceless this mentality is compared to whom I once was. My worry concerning these things is nearly gone as I still battle mine own flesh. Make your prayer to the Lord simple

" Lord help my heart to be right with you."

1 Kings 2:3 "And keep the charge of the Lord thy God, to walk in his ways, to keep his statutes, and his commandments, and his judgments, and his testimonies, as it is written in the law of Moses, that thou mayest prosper in all that thou doest.

- Ali Koushan