

10 August 2021.
Welcome to the Jawahar Lalla blogs page.
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The people who are close to me know I am a straight outspoken person I don't keep any grudges in my heart. I forgive a lot of people who misbehave with me on various occasions. It is said to respect is 2 way or either-way subject matter in any meetings, negotiations, or conversations.
A young officer was on his round when one of the riflemen did not notice him and missed saluting him.
The youngster got cheesed off and summoned the Gorkha and asked him the reason for not saluting him. The Gorkha innocently gave out the reason that he did not see "Lieutenant Huzoor".
The youngster not convinced, punished the Gorkha to a thousand salutes. The soldier immediately started saluting...
Field Marshal Cariappa was passing by and asked the youngster as to what was happening.
The youngster said, "Sir, this soldier had the audacity of not saluting me. So I have punished him with 1000 salutes."
Cariappa replied, "Good punishment young man, but ensure that you return each of his salutes.”
For the next two hours, the unit was treated to a scene of a Gorkha saluting and the young officer returning each of his salutes. Respect is a two-way subject matter.@Jawahar Lalla.#jawaharlalla#jawaharlallablogs#Instagram Ig: JBLwrites#respect.
