

Her untold story
A poor little girl who lost her parents at the young age.Her neighbours and other family members didn't took initiative to look after her they joined in a orphanage there people and few children started torchering her,from there she ran away she didn't give up.she started working hard at different places.She didn't know what is happiness and how it will be,her hard work helped her to set up small business her business started to growing her hardship made her to be more strong and bold in life . She met a person who was working in the same field of job they were friends and later loved each other and got married.He was part of all her happiness, he made her to know what is joy and happiness they were very happy with each other.she was very happy with her life,he was not only friend for her has life partner let her know what is life and happiness.

#Be bold enough #nevergiveup #choose right person in life
Not in entire life you will be filled with hardship,you will be happy in rest of your life have confidence on yourself it will never let you down it helps to achieve everything in life. #Niveditha. K #imaginarystory