

my sister ❤️
Previous part of the story Nikita Kaur 2019 Nikita Kaur told her parents I want to serve God, mummy papa don't stop her, don't go there, Nikita was 17 years old, she saw that her parents were crying but Nikki did not even look at them and Nikki prepared herself for service, when Nikki went to the Holi temple, Nikki was told that if you want to serve then you have to leave everything in the world, you have to take off these colorful clothes and wear a white saree, then that woman had a Nokia phone, she said you have to leave this phone too, if you want to serve then you do not need to bring anything of the world with you here, Nikki said okay we will leave everything for the holy God and with purity we will dedicate our life to God, holy king Nikki completed the pair of two white sarees, a story behind why Nikki chose this path, now after the marriage of Nikki's elder sister, Nikki had 3 more sisters who were elder to her. A month was about to pass. Nikki called her elder sister and asked, how are you Didi? How is our brother-in-law? Sister said that he is not well, he is having diarrhea. Nikki told her sister, you must have given him too much lentils in his food, that is why he is having diarrhea. Okay, Nikki told her sister, Didi we four sisters are waiting for you. When you and brother-in-law come, buy clothes for 4 rows from Punjab, we all are waiting for you both. And after a month the phone rang, Nikki thought that brother-in-law must be coming. The call is ringing hello give the phone to your mother who are you the lady said the matter is very important I quickly gave the phone to mummy the lady said something like this the phone fell from my mother's hand I asked my mother mummy what happened Mari said your sister's husband has died, within a month of marriage her husband died and Nikki could not see her sister go through this pain,
© Nikita kour ki