

Abscond the darkeness
Author's P.O.V.~

Hearing her words Nathan observed her silently for a few seconds before breaking the silence and started speaking

"The Duke wanted to cure Julia , he went to several physicians , priests , popes . Even travelled to different kingdoms trying everything of every relegion and every treatment , then he started a crazy experiment-"

"Your majesty.. is it really fine to tell her this?"

Suryavarth interrupted them making both of their attention shift to him especially Ishaanvi who looks visibly pissed.

"Can you just stay out of this? We are having a really serious conversation right now."

Ishaanvi spoke being all annoyed right now and crossed her arms against her stomach frowning. While Nathan sighed and shook his head subtly to Suryavarth.

"Do not question me Suryavarth , I am aware of what I am doing."

Nathan spoke in his authoritative tone and Suryavarth just stood back bowing his head down but slightly displeased , hiding it behind his stoic expression.

"My apologies."

Ishaanvi rolled her eyes and Nathan looked back at Ishaanvi continuing the story about the truth that has happened.

"After he inquired with several people , Duke Espret started a crazy experiment with the church . A false hope infact . Someone told him if Julia drank the medicine mixed with the blood of someone PURE from the Bodha clan , she would get better."

"What?! Are you saying that Duke Espret believed such nonsense?"

Ishaanvi snapped in anger being someone who can never see something unfair her instincts caught up to her , and Nathan clenched his fists remembering how he saw several children in the dungeons covered with cuts , and bruises.

"Indeed , even the kindness Sister Mary showed me , was because she knew I was one of the people from that clan , she just wanted to use me ."

Nathan spoke in a dangerously low voice but not showing any emotions as of now whereas Ishaanvi was a complete mess and showed him her palm to pause him.

"So , you mean Sister Mary was with the Duke in this? Then who else was-"

"I can't disclose more information to you . But only so you know that Sister Mary was indeed a part of this plan."

Ishaanvi was really a mess right now and she leaned back in the chair blinking and shocked by the reveal , indeed if Julia knew that her father did something like that she would break down with how much she loves and respect him , so that's why he didn't disclose this information to Julia she thought.

© Lexi