

Forster marriage
it all started in 1966 when lelefi mkwanazi she it was 16 years old, by that time their parents thought she old enough for marriage remember that time it was old time marriage by the elders was along as the person who is to marry you can afford what they want where're you like it or not you were supposed to go. so lelefi's parents arranged the wedding for their daughter. she was only 16 years old but she was taken by old sangoma man who was old enough to be her father. his name was Philip mdobe. the wedding went on as it was planned. one thing i have noticed is that this girl did not know what was happening, she was not sure that it was her wedding. they have lied to her, they told her that she were to help phillip to bit those drums sangoma use.so she went on knowing that when she's done she would go back home but never happened....after that old sangoma he told lelefi you from now you're my wife lelefi she asked about that process how coming to be your wife ? that sangoma he told her all story i have got it a permission from your parents. but lelefi she was not accepted that but she was don't have any choice because remember that sangoma who was old enough to be her father lelefi she was can't even the sleeping with him because he was not a type so! what is the plan of that traditional health as sangoma? the sangoma he was planned to use mothi for sleeping with her. but that sangoma he was abused her because it was old enough to be her father, but after that lelefi she was give upped course nothing that she was can do it, after that she was got two children with him the traditional health he was happy course a the end he was building a family with lelefi. but lelefi she was not happy for that marriage because that man he was old enough to be her father and her parents have been lied before. e.t.c!!!

(please people my name is milagre moses macuacua I'm living in Mozambique province gaza district of bilene macia I'm 24 years old I'm author of short stories and music publisher singer/songwriter but i don't have a sponsor or investor for my talent for growing up my project please anyone who can help me my WhatsApp number is +258847258841 email is shanganaboy7@gmail.com please help me I'm seriously considering with my best talent but i don't have a sponsorship or partnership for my project)