

I know I am not perfect but want to make better my every action but don't know why peoples are not understand. I just want to stay with someone who loves me more than everything like I do. She cares for me , understand my pain. But no one stand in my site, all are welly understand that I need someone but no one wants to be show that they know it. All are know that I want someone's shoulder for keeping my head , I need someone for supporting me.

But I also know that it is never happen to my life. No-one come for understanding me. All are come and only questioned that how is your study,career and the external things including my close persons but no one question that are you feel right , is everything going right according to you.

It is the main problem in our society is that no one can want to deal or talking about the problems of mind, feelings and emotions. Only money,success and the establishment is gradually became important thing but no one can understand that without love and care these are worthless. Somehow parents are also think that feeling loneliness is the nonsense thing and it is result of heavy active in mobile and less study.

But it is not real, it is a state of mind where we need someone to be with us for understanding our feelings. But the shame thing is neither the parents nor the society understand this. According to them if we tell them that we feel like that then we are go on a bad path and they try to convince us that only focus on your goal then all are automatically going on fine.