

That Day My Dreams Curbed
If I knew that my hubcap would end up at the side of the rode I would have glued it to my car. It was the day befores afternoon. An I realized that my hubcap was gone. So I get in the car and back track my steps but no hubcap. So then I get some tea and relax drinking it with ice when I see a story on line and it's got my hubcap on it. So I call the editor and they like this is you we got the hubcap. You see once the story broke they took the hubcap off the street corner and put it in the back of one of there work trucks. Now I am
like what luck this is and the guy was finer then most. So I got his digits and my hubcap back. An to think I woke up with a problem now I think I know how to solve it. Research Find lover and glue the hubcap back to my car an live happy ever after With the flowers and candy's oh and candle light dinners with
a spark of night lite to hear this is so good I should have met you before. Then I was like oh you and my hubcap
are finally right where you need to be.
Angel food cake and strawberrys should
complete this table of smiles.
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