

A benison
The car sped through the dark night, it's headlights flashing, warning the incoming traffic. Quietness in the car except in the mind of a person ,whose name is Raju .He's travelling with his family of two kids and wife. Soon the naive kids started mumbling at the back seat of car for why their father is worried?Where are they going at this time?Raju is driving in rush to reach the capital on time.
In the midst of the way from the town to city ,suddenly a man on a bicycle came in front of the car , the car jolted and they had a huge jerk. However, they managed to safe themselves and all thanks to the seatbelt.The car halted and Raju came out in exasperation to question the guy who in maladroit way came in front of the car risking his life. What he saw, was so unexpected as the guy was bleeding so high that is too from the head section. Raju went off balance on seeing the view and it was like a blank on his mind ,"what to do next?" When Raju was so horrified, can you imagine the state of kids?The kids started crying so loud that made Raju trembled.Seeing the state of husband ,wife who too was in shock ,somehow managed in silencing the kids and convincing them..not to worry. Raju was in dilemma of whether to run away from the spot or help the guy to reach hospital. But what Raju chose was worth to be appreciated for as he forgot his own emergency for a while and decided to take the man to the nearby hospital.
Raju reached the hospital with his family and the injured guy. He somehow convinced the doctor to give him the required treatment first ,instead of the query.The doctor treated the guy and within an hour ,the doctor was done with the stitches on the guy's head.The guy when found himself absolutely safe,thanked wholeheartedly to Raju saying ,"one in a hundred do such a thing he did to him, I condemn my mistake and too bless you with a lot of positivity and abundance.You not only saved me but also my mother to die in remorse as I am her only son and support.God bless you ." Raju hugged the guy , thanked him for the blessing and came out.
Raju suddenly felt like free from a burden , though he remained in his emergency yet a unsaid relief came in his mind.He ,with his family again sat in the car to move . All of a sudden his phone rings, the call is of his elder brother who lives in Delhi along with his mother.Their mother raised them alone as their father died in a car accident when his brother and Raju even don't know ,what is death. His brother on phone said,"hey Raju! a miracle happened,our mother is doing fine and her heart is responding in a good position prior to the surgery,doctor is saying to postpone the surgery and even not to do if not required."
Raju went from nervous and worried mood to calmness and solace. He felt like someone just has succoured him .He went back to the moment where he helped the guy and thought of his blessing in a unique way that if he might not have helped the guy or ran out of the situation to look upon his own mother ,may be his rush and hurry shall be of no use and he couldn't justify both the incidents of not helping the guy as well as not standing with his mother when she's struggling for life. He felt, listening to his heart for helping the guy, has helped his mother's heart to survive without transplant surgery. He continued to move to the capital but was now free from hustle and worry . The speed of car turned to normal , Anxiety turned to ataraxy , dark night to dawn and the scenario changed.
Moral of the story is
1. Do good and good will come back to you either sooner or later.
2. A blessing can assist you to come out of hardships.

Hii friends thanks for reading this , hope you like it.
