

Can't handle the truth?
Today I met someone who kept lying with a smiling face. She is quite a different and unique person. She lied that way, because she didn't want to hurt others or reveal something accidentally she didn't want to. This made me think of humans in general, who lie with a smiling face and the others who can't lie at all. That smiling face has eyes that can deceive and control the other person. The important point here is, is it really that needed? what if we opt to tell the truth upon lying with a smile. Are we that weak who can't handle the truth?. Humans have fought wars several years, killed the enemies ruthlessly but now can't even face the truth?
As humans evolve, we can see a pattern of increase in deceiving nature than true nature. It's reason can be unknown but we can only hope that the situation changes and we become more honest.
© chimera