

this is a story of girl an boy met before twelve years through internet an then changing number and it goes like both wer in friend relationship when they talked for the first time he had his galfirend an a gal had her boyfriend both wer just frends an talking in phone once in a month starting they were not in much touch but as time passed they got connected.guy broke up with her gal reason was she was more dominating and literally using him for her needs so he broke up . later on the gal who was in love with another boy had to give up becouz the guy have to marry a gal who was her mother choice so he left that left gal an moved on gal was hurt a lot an worst part was like he had no choice left felt like everything is vanish the love part was like a dream an it broke up like mirror only the broken can be seen by that the guy who was with her at this time made her to collect the broken pices an join them so that she can see her in that mirror this is how all started they got frends in pain an got more closer both felt gud an started forgetting everything thing an once again refreshing life started they got close shared ther feeling it was like they found something real which would last forever till they die the love which was found in pain which they was not knowing it will go long as time pass they finish ther studies an love was in air or u can say ninth cloud gal parents started searching a guy for her bt gal wanted to marry the love of his life so she said him abt things going on guy said wait for six months let me settle first then it would be all easy as we dream bt faith has its own story gal cudnt wait an she got engaged before saying yes to guy she called her love to say that she is saying yes bt guy dnt response an she tried a lot bt cudnt make it an finally she got engaged aftr few days love of her life started calling her an telling her to stay with him he is unable to cope up all this it's getting difficult for him the realization of love is getting more deeper an it's hurting him as the gal of his life is going far from him he wanted to marry her bt it was all over they say life moves on bt unfortunately it dnt they were in deep love bt still unknown for them that they are attached to one an other by soul atlast guy stopped calling her an the connection was cut between them here the gal was living her engagement life an the guy whom she got engaged was crazy abt her making her happy an all soon the date was near of there marriage bt still gal missed her love an was missing to be with him.and the things went on she got married an soon after her marriage she called her love and started talking to him and ther conversation again started bt this time the things whr different she was married an a guy was also married she came to knw when she talked to him an he said aftr engagement I got involve with a gal an soon after six months they got married that's exactly aftr two months of her marriage so now the whole world hv change the only thing wc is not change is the love that eternal.again each every feeling they started to live an share the pain which they burried in their heart came up with all ther emotions feelings expression with knowing that they are married bt the love which is there in heart is still breathing out when they breath .the soul which again have started living an finding the love self satisfaction the missing thing which was missing in-between them an love started growing without any expectations an complaints everything was like a dream which came true to be with each other evn the marriage cudnt make apart them going through all ups an down of their life they still are in connected with the thread of love without knowing anyone in this world their love is going on growing each and everyday they feel like they have fall in love newly. the fact is aftr getting apart they hv realized there worth in each other life still they want to be together always an see they are.love doesn't end if it's true it will be growing inner and it goes to the extend whr our imagination doesn't reach nevr evr they taught that there life hv something else for them which is ever lasting relationship it's going deep an deep now the only thing which they want is love an being together without any expectations and complaints love gives them strength to be together an face every consequenc of their life. they don't need any name for relationship . without each other they are body without soul they need each other to feel thier soul and dono what would be the end may be death an aftr that it continues being together