

Stolen Spot
A warm night walking across river shores holding his hand, the wind blows from the east as we approach where I told my brother to decorate.

As we remain with few steps my heart races like I'm hiking then I tell him to stand and he puts on
"What's going on" look, I put my handkerchief upon his eyes so that my plan will not be ruined.

We continued strolling until we reach the exact place I wanted, the candles were shaped in heart form, the bottle of wine and chocolate cake can be seen and the ring's box.
After scanning everything, I look into my brother's eyes,
"Perfect" that's the word I can get.

I kneeled, take the ring's box, and said now you can see! He puts off the hankie and stands in an amazed manner, I say
"I know you love me as much as I do but it was taking you too long to propose so I decided maybe I can do that (I take a breath) so Richard will you be my spouse?

My heart races not because of what I said but of the look he has.
Then the moment comes when he opens up his mouth
" I can't " is what I heard and I will be like "what?" "Why?"
He said, "I'm sorry Dina I can't pretend anymore."

He kneeled and take the ring out of my hand and I sat down not knowing what to do, many questions runs into my mind but then he pressed the bomb.

He turned to where my brother was standing and he said
"Nick, I have loved you since the day I saw you and am sorry Dina because I dated you only to reach your brother! so please Nick Can I date you?"

"Holy God" that's the look I had waiting to hear from my brother.
Then he said
"Rich I had a crush on you since the day you entered our home" after hearing those words, "WTF" It's what I uttered.
© olgawrites