

Me.Right Now ( T.C part one)
Tina's mama stopped her laughing session when she noticed her daughter's seriously concers.
"Baby I'm sorry I just couldn't help it."
"Listen baby just look at it in a different way."
She gave her only child some real old school knowledge and kissed her on the forehead.
" Hello"
"How is my sweet bundle of beauty doing"
I'm okay,how about yourself"
Moments later Tina played a few songs from her play list on Alexa and dosed off shortly after.

The waiter delivered Troy's drinks.Before the matter of minutes Tina arrived and took a seat.
They were at one of Starkville's finest top quality restaurant's.

"So what did you wanna talk about." asked Troy.
" Is this a game that you're playing because if so I'll like to find my way to the entrance".
" Since you feel that way I'm not holding you back"
"Excuse you". said Tina with a surprise look.
" Yeah now that I have your fully undivided attention I'll like to share something with you.
"First off you're not only a very sexy lady but your character, compassion,and beautiful mindset is so amazing."
" The reason why I stopped in the middle of our sexual encounter and said what I said is because I wanna get to know the real fully you.
Sex means nothing to me if I can't sex your inner being first.
It's so over rated and it should be shared by two people who have more than just lust and pleasure on their minds.
"You're not like most women.
Now if you were just a hooker or from around the way I probably would give you the business but you're far more special than that"
"Are you serious? Do you hear what you're saying."
"Yes.I'm simply saying that I want you for you not just your body?
"I need a drink.".
"What may I get for you Mr.Glass?.
"Give me the usual and what will you have baby"
"Something strong and a Steak plate please."
"Coming right up"
"I see you're well known"
"Yeah I come to Georgia Bule often."
"Is the food good?"
"Actually it's delicious"
Troy kept Tina blushing with his charming conversation.
Their passionate kissing got cut short with a loud music playing sound.
" What's up Milky"
" Yeah. Ummm.Ok I'll be over there in a minute"
"You can't be serious.
I'm not going to let you do this to me again."
About 30 minutes later Troy reentered back inside Tina's condo .
The next morning Tina went to work with a Kool_Aid smile on her face
While at work Troy and his right hand man took a little trip to Florida.

Something had to give Troy had been going without for far too long. Ten days later Troy smiled at what he had accomplished in such a short time.