

Just One Night
This life is bitter and sweet. It's all about the experience.
As a talented young girl of 25, I always wanted to be very successful in life, to have a good job, a house to live in and a nice car to take me places. After graduation, I got a job in a very big company and the pay was very good, so I was happy that my dreams will fall in place. I was enjoying my job and it was all that mattered to me, because I knew it would help me actualize my goals. After six months, I got myself a car and I was so happy for myself.
Things were actually going according to my plans, so I thought.
"Jazzy, the boss wants you". I raised my head to see Freddie at the door of my office.
"why? what for?"I asked a little bit surprised.
"You better go and find out now before you lose your job". He said and walked away. Losing my job is never part of my plans, so I stood up and walked to the boss's office. I knocked, but didnt get a reply, so I entered. I saw him looking out the window at the back of his desk. He didn't turn around to look at me. I announced my presence and he gestured me to sit.
After about three minuted, he spoke, "Miss Jasmine, you have been working here for how long now, five...six... months, am I right?" I just nodded and he continued. "I will be going on a business trip to Abuja, and I'd like you to be my personal assistant for the journey."
"sir!" shocked! I almost lost my balance. "sir, I'm sorry, but I thought Nancy is your personal assistant? taking her job and offering it to me, don't you think it's rather unprofessional?" I hate to admit, Nancy is my friend and I wouldnt like to provoke or betray her. She has had eyes on the boss for sometime now, she had always fantasized about him making love to her. How silly, I chuckled under my breath. But there, I looked at his eyes and I couldn't help bit notice how handsome he is. I think I want him too!
"Miss Jasmine, need I remind you, I'm the boss here and I call the shots. prepare your stuff, we live tonight." He said and motioned for me to get back to my desk.
what! tonight? who does this man think he is to decide how I would spend my evening. I shrugged my shoulders and went to my office. I wanted to tell Nancy, but I insisted against it. I didnt even know what I'd say to her.
six-thirty pm, we were already at the airport, where we boarded the night flight to abuja. we checked into a five-star hotel. He paid for two rooms. and told me to be ready by eight pm to join him for dinner with his business associates.
Dinner was cool, I just sat there like a barbie doll, listening to the men talking, in thirty minutes, they were done and the man left, leaving just my boss and I. I stood up to go back to the room, when I felt a gentle grip. He asked me to stay and have a drink with him. I obeyed.
we drank and talked for hours, I didnt realize how drunk I was as when it was time to go to bed, I stumbled when I stood. Again I felt being lifted and taken away. He carried me to his room and we had sex under the influence. we were so drunk, we didnt care about the boss and staff relationship. He was good, sucking and fucking me. I haven't had sex this good in months.
waking up in his arms in the morning, I hurriedly put on my clothes and headed for my room.
"Miss Jasmine, this never happened".
I nodded with eyebrows creased. what! what is he saying? I should forget about what we did a while ago? easy for him to say.

Running to the toilet to vomit again, I passed out at the door of the toilet. the next thing I knew about, I was in the hospital. Freddie and Nancy were sitting beside me when I opened my eyes. the narrated what happened to me and how I got here.
when the test results arrived, it came with a scan which revealed I was two months pregnant. I was so surprised and I his the results in my bag. I was given the day off to rest. when I got home, I tried to remember who I had sex with last and my thoughts went straight to my boss. He got me pregnant, will he accept this pregnancy or tell me to terminate it?
Reaching the office the next day, I hurriedly went to his office and told him what happened. He just looked at me quizzically and fired me.
Gosh! did he just fire me, I thought. I plead with him and begged, telling him I would terminate the pregnancy, but he ignored me and called security to throw me out. I got home feeling lost, angry and confused. Just one night of pleasure has made me lose everything I'm working to achieve. Immediately, a text came to my phone.
It was a bank alert of five hundred thousand Naira. Then another text came in, "disappear from my life and get rid of that thing". it was from Him.
so I. was worth just five hundred thousand naira, how could I have allowed him. oh no! I'm finished.

© cindy's Notes