I never truly understood my mind, heck it always freaked me out😮
I wanted to be an Angel to the world but the more I did this, the more I saw that a Demon lived WITHIN me
Trying so hard to suppress it, lest I be ostracized or lynched for being too sinister😈
Humans are yet to understand that we are built with the FINEST and DARKEST QUALITIES in the COSMOS☯️
Humans have been stuck on the timeline that only the BEST QUALITIES should be in existence, which contradicts the...
I never truly understood my mind, heck it always freaked me out😮
I wanted to be an Angel to the world but the more I did this, the more I saw that a Demon lived WITHIN me
Trying so hard to suppress it, lest I be ostracized or lynched for being too sinister😈
Humans are yet to understand that we are built with the FINEST and DARKEST QUALITIES in the COSMOS☯️
Humans have been stuck on the timeline that only the BEST QUALITIES should be in existence, which contradicts the...