

The discovery was mind blowing by most standards. I mean who unearths an Egyptian mummy after so many centuries?
"Dr.Hima! "
I turn surprised by my assistant's shout. His wide, frightened eyes stare back at me. "What is it, Ron?"
He points at the corner of the mummy's coffin. "That's dried blood, Dr. I think there's someone else in there with that mummy.""Albinism my pride"
I have a light colored skin with white hair
My difference in complexion has given birth to many names like albino , mwabi , oculocutaneous .
When will this mockery and looking down on the precious genetic melanin of albinism elapse ?
With this recent advancement in nation's birthday of independence our atmosphere is becoming more twinge and misery as majority of the parents tend to neglect every albino child .
On the other sad page of what's trending rituals of albinos is increasing slowly .
Has money made you and I fugitives of the devil himself ?
Or maybe the I don't care mentality is what has taken over the "African care for whole"slogan ?
She maybe light colored skin but she is still your sister
Of course he is light in complexion with white hair he is capable like you .
I wish we could quickly realise the great talents and gifts God has impacted the lives of " albinos " before the untold prophecies of their depletion slowly becomes serious emergencies.
The same way we gather in the commemoration of "world albinism day, " annually could have been meaningful if different government bodies world wide consisted of our light colored friends .
Zambia will over 30,000 persons living with albinism not even one is holding any government post .
I believe and know our colleague's are educated just like we with a black skin embracing them starts with civic engagement.
Maayo ,Taata ,Uncles and Aunties let's support every albino child whom we know
We should do so in helping them make their dreams come true of becoming, a doctor, lawyer , journalist, pharmacist etc.
© Mateo