

I'm sorry
I’m sorry

I was from a miserabe family with absentee parents. All the girls in my area rejected me. None of them accepted to date me because they thought I was a good-for-nothing. When I went to her, she told me I was a very nice boy and accepted to go out with me. She stayed with me along my darkest days, taught me to believe in myself. Thanks to her, the failure I was supposed to be tuned to be a winner. Into my gloomy days, she brought some light and helped me see through my weaknesses, my strengths. I was a boy but she changed me into a man, blessing me with offsprings of my own. Making me a dad. Her love for me was so unconditional. A true love, a luck. She turned the zero I was into a hero and made of me a champion, a super man. Everything in our life was going smoothly. We were the happiest couple, the most blessed family.
Then came a time when I came across a girl with such a dazzling beauty. I was fired and totally lost. Dating her became a challenge I set to myself.
At home as at office, I would be absent minded, thinking of that fairy one couldn’t find in a million girls. What could prevent me from dating her ?
Money ? I got it.
A nice car ? I bought it.
In addition to being the gentleman fooling the girls around.
Just after a few days, the target was reached. I started going out with Bella. Out of the blue, I deserted home as well as my office. My wife and my kids would see me only once in a blue moon. Bella and I used to spend time together, eating in VIP restaurants, sleeping in first class hotels and shopping in malls that cost me an arm and a leg, buying not only golden jewels to Bella but also dresses of queens. Meanwhile my wife and kids were home alone, and my boss trying to call me to order in vain.
Eventually, I got sacked from my work and months after, all the money I saved was gone away. Unfortunately, the girl on whom I invested ran away from me. I was left alone, and back to a life of destitute. I would spend my days in the streets ashamed of going back home. I was mad over my deeds. How did I allow that to happen ? I wondered.
Now I terribly miss my wife and my offsprings. But can’t think of going back home after having being such a shitty dad.
When my kids see me later, what will they call me ? Will I be able to look at them and their mom in their eyes ? I feel like talking to them. But don’t dare face the music.
If you see them, tell them I’m lost, Tell them I don’t deserve their love and pardon. Tell them I’m ashamed of myself. Tell my wife, I miss her. Tell her I miss home. Tell her she is an angel, and I, the devil. Tell my wife, not to change. Tell her she is the wife any man dreams of though I will never be her man again, because I don’t deserve her love, I don’t deserve her tears.
If you’re listening to me, Alicia, I want you to know I’m sorry. I’m aware how hurt you are. If only I could heal the wounds in your heart.
And you guys, never be like me. I’ve been so bad a boy. Love your wives and make them happy. A girl who accepted to love you without any condition, a girl who helped you become a better man, a girl who turned you into a man, deserves nothing but your love and your respect.
And you girls, do not see all men the way you see me. There are some who are different, who value their wive, take care of their kids and make them happy.

If you read this, know that I’m sorry, sorry, sorry, so sorry …
© Sika Manté