

My Sweetie
I remember the day I first met my husband. It was at a religious event and we met through a mutual friend of ours. We went on a few dates and I knew we were meant to be together. He was the first one to say I LOVE YOU. The moment he said that, I knew that I had to marry this man. This man makes me smile when I would feel weak and let me say that his love saved my life. Before I met him, I wasn't at all religious. I was into the street life and I didn't know who God was. My husband introduced me to God and we would read the Bible together. Just spending time with him made me love him a lot more and I just had to have him. I remember the day we first had sex. It was a rainy day and we made love at a nearby farm and it was hot and steamy. He took off his shirt and showed his ten pack abs and it was just a beautiful thing to experience. I dominated him and topped him so good that he wanted me to keep dominating him. Eventually, we got married after a year of dating and it's been smooth sailing for us. Because of him, my faith in God has increased and I ended up getting baptized. My husband and I also work out together and he helped me get in shape mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally. We would take part in church activities and let me say that my love for my husband hasn't changed. This man makes me smile each and everyday and what I love most about him is his humor. He doesn't take himself so seriously and he never turned his back on everyone. My husband is trained in taekwando, jiu-jitsu and kickboxing, while I'm trained in boxing and judo. What people don't know is that my husband writes me love letters everyday and he is very romantic. I'm still in love with him today like I was the day we first met. When I close my eyes, he would be in my dreams and I would be in his dreams. He's my best friend, my lover and everything I want in a soulmate. Never once did I ever lose faith in my husband or Jesus Christ. Never once did I ever cheat on my husband. He's been faithful to me and I've been faithful to me. Yet, so many people have tried to destroy our marriage. It was our love that kept us strong and I thank God that I have a husband who loves me just the way I am. I'm forever grateful to him for choosing me to his husband and I'm grateful that I chose him to be my husband. My heart beats for him and only him. His soul and my soul is intertwined and we're truly one. I've been disowned by my family because I chose him over them and I'm always choosing him over them. This man is sexy. This man is classy. This man is badass. This man is funny. But, he's very loving and caring and I love him. It feels so good that I have someone who loves me for me. My husband is my world and I wouldn't ever change that for anything. We've been together since the day we first met and that was almost twenty years ago. Sure, we've had our ups and downs and yes, we've had our share of fights, but our love always kept us together. He completes me and I complete him. Before he came into my life, I wasn't happy. I've dated women and men and I struggled with my sexuality. But when my husband came into my life, I knew I found my life partner and my soulmate. I know that he's meant for me and I'm meant for him. I still remember the day we first met and I'm so glad that we're together.

© Josiah Bhola Hillaire