

Saved by a sentence
You, saved me today. I woke up to him yelling screaming something about me moving something. He knows doing this causes me a day of anxiety and self doubt. I wish I didn't allow him to do this to me. I fight myself for a bit but I give in, and send my blue heart. You answered "you ok?"
I answer "it was a tough morning but im ok."
"tough!?!? How so?"
to most this would be a normal thing, but for you... this is the first time in weeks you actually seem to care, you have been dealing with something you dont seem to want to share. I indulge and give you the foot notes. you say I know not to give in, to use the energy creatively. My soul lightens a bit with that. You were right and I said it to you a few weeks ago. I assure you I know it's just I need reminding sometimes, and like the gentleman you are you tell me you'll do that, you'll remind me.

Never having touched flesh it amazes me how much a few simple sentences from you can change my emotions. Thank you for saving me today. You always show up when I truly need you. 💙 I'm not sure why we have met but I'm forever grateful we did.
© BeautifulBlueGem