

My Confession
Dear Lord this is my confession.
My whole life sin has been my obsession.
I've strayed and refuse to pray.
For Hell's ticket I've sold my soul to pay.
I've been conflicted not knowing what to do or say.
I think I need a one on one screening evaluation.
My poor soul ponders on your perfection
and sometimes why you allow sin to lead us to damnation.
But Lord I know you're full of suprises.
Even though I can't see it with my optical lenses.
Dear Lord I know my soul is conflicted.
So many vile virus on your innocent souls I've inflicted.
Even though my mission for you has not started but for the devil I've completed,
Dear Lord forgive me for not been committed.
Many a Times Lord your person I've crucified, But deep within you'll always be Magnified.
I've been a Monster I've been lucified.
I've been worse than pharoah
I just hope I won't be Mummified.
To err is human Lord and to forgive is divine
But this lustful soul has grasp the devil's design.
For in me the devil's seed has been planted.
Even my words are now enchanted.

Your life you gave for mine you sacrificed.
And still your name I Vilify.
Yet still your love for me cannot be quantified.
Dear Lord I wish my soul could be sanctified.

I know I'm still your son even though I went astray
Something tells me I'm already accepted.
Lord this is my humble submission forgive me I pray.
My heart I give to you.......... Amen to this prayer I say.