

Don't trust the travel agent
Well we were at the travel agents to collect our flight tickets for New Zealand when the lady said oh why was told to come today as the tickets don't get released until twenty four hours before the flight, we said oh ok but also we were told that we wouldn't need visas for Australia as we were in transit, is that correct, the lady looked and said it says as you're in the Airport for more than eight hours you should apply for a visa but I wouldn't worry as nobody asks for them.
We went home and the first thing I did was apply, my partners came through before we headed for the airport but mine didn't, I was quite worried as I like to be organised .
On reaching check in I was not allowed to board the aircraft as I didn't have a valid visa, my partner reluctantly had to go without me as her brother was waiting for us to arrive in New Zealand, we were devastated, I did my best to hold back the floodgates as I walked away but I was determined to do my best to reunite with my partner as soon as possible.
I got home and sent an email to the Australian government website, at six am nine hours too late my visa was approved.
I headed back to the travel agent and waited for them to open so I could book another flight only to be told that I had to book an entirely new flight package but I would be buying my own tickets back for over £3000 but by the time we argued about this those tickets had gone, so I then could only return the next day, I accepted this and flew out that evening exactly a day late.
After flying for two days we were reunited in New Zealand but my partner's suitcase didn't arrive until two days later, despite this we had the holiday of a lifetime. While there my partner's brother paid for her to travel home with me but when we got to the airport we found that we weren't sitting together on the aircraft as our bookings were made at different times, so on the four flights home we had to plead with staff to be moved to adjoining seats, we were lucky as on every occasion we managed this.
We're now happily at home suffering from the flu but feeling positive. Have I written a complaint to the travel agent, hell yeah .
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